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Evidence, Practical and Empirical-based health & fitness programs designed to

help you adapt to change

Learn how to live well with chronic conditions and build strength from the inside out


Taking charge of your health can be a challenge at any age—learning how to balance life's challenges will offer a new prespective of how to live well with chronic conditions

Maria’s whole-person approach utilizes evidence and practice-based health and fitness self-management programs to influence lifestyle changes, helping her clients better manage their symptoms


  • Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program

    AFEP is a community-based recreational exercise program developed by the Arthritis Foundation and is a CDC recommended program. As a trained AFEP trainer a variety of range-of-motion and endurance-building activities, relaxation techniques, and health education topics are covered.

    Location Schedule:

    Every Wednesday at 12:30 pm at :Leon Mathieu Senior Center, 420 Main Street, Pawtucket, RI

  • Box Steady

    Box Steady is a non-contact boxing style fitness class shown to lessen symptoms of Parkinson's Disease. As a licensed Adaptive Physical Educator and certified RSB Coach Tier I Trainer, Maria will move you through a regimen to improve strength, balance, power and speed. Fight to live a better quality of life. Complete the contact form to inquire.

    Location Schedule

    Every Monday at 11:00 am at Manfredo Boxing Sports Fitness, 55 Douglas Pike Smithfield, Rock Steady Coach: Maria Kishfy

    Every Friday at 11:00am at Manfredo Boxing Sports Fitness, 55 Douglas Pike Smithfield, RI Coach: Peter Manfredo, Sr

  • CardioDance Interval

    This fun, dance-inspired Interval class infuses a variety of choreographed dance style combinations with muscle conditioning blocks.

    Location Schedule:

    Every Wednesday at 2:00 pm at the Lincoln Señior Center 150 Jenckes Hill Rd, Lincoln RI

  • *NEW FitYoga

    Taking a conscious approach to movement through learned strategies can significantly impact everyday activities.

    Experience a fitness oriented hatha yoga class that synchronizes yoga postures and movements with breath control.

    Methodology: Utilize breath control during the execution of isotonic, isometric and static concentric muscle contractions.

    Benefits: Focus on the treatment of the neuromusculoskeletal system, increase flexibility, build muscle tone, heighten mind and body awareness and lower overall stress level.

    Every Tuesday at 12:00pm at Lincoln Senior Center, 150 Jenckes Hill Rd, Lincoln, RI

  • Whole Body Vibration Private Training

    Whole-body vibration is a neuromuscular training method that uses a low- to moderate-vibration stimulus to improve muscular strength and power in both sedentary and athletic populations. This mode of training can be beneficial for neurological movement disorders such as, Parkinson’s Disease and other chronic conditions. Ask for support materials.

    Contact me for Complimentary 15-MINUTE session

  • Senior Fitness Testing

    This Senior Fitness Test assesses the physical attributes at age 60 plus. This resource is vital to identify weaknesses that cause mobility problems, develop exercise programs that improve functional fitness, prevent future mobility issues, and evaluate progress. This specific tool expands to limiting conditions such as: osteoporosis, stroke, arthritis, heart conditions, MS, hip and knee replacements, and other chronic conditions.

    This assessment is highly recommended. Please complete the ‘contact me’ form to schedule a fitness assessment today!

  • Aquatic Exercise for Parkinson's disease

    Experience the benefits of the natural properties of a 89 degree saline mineral therapy pool. Improve joint flexibility, balance, mobility, and reduce spasticity and rigidity.

    Build muscle strength and cardiovascular endurance

    Location Schedule: TBA


As a teacher in Health & Adapted Physical Education with over three decades of professional fitness, health, and wellness experience, Maria knows firsthand that building a partnership with her clients is vital to creating positive outcomes. The “How-to” is essential in living well with chronic conditions - her approach is to work together to develop an action plan based on personal goals to ultimately change the “I can’t” to “I can”.

The programs Maria uses are evidence and practiced based and provide documented health benefits. These strategies and interventions are proven to build self-awareness, restore mobility and strength, energize mood, relieve stress, help manage symptoms of illness and pain and improve one’s overall sense of well being.

Maria now dedicates her practice to helping people with chronic conditions. She continues to find new and emerging methods for assisting people in moving from an inactive life to discovering joy in active living, which she believes, will benefit community organizations.

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Physical Education, Adaptive & Health License: #45399

Assisted Living Residence Administrator License: #ALRA00447





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